Dividing a floating-point value by zero will result in either positive infinity, negative infinity, or not-a-number according to the rules of ieee 754 arithmetic 根据ieee754算法规则,用零除浮点值将产生正无穷大、负无穷大或非数字(nan)。
The strict constraints imply that the results of all expressions must be those predicted by ieee 754 arithmetic on operands represented in single and double precision formats 严格约束意味着所有表达式的结果都必须是ieee754算法对操作数预期的结果,以单精度和双精度格式表示。
Floating-point arithmetic overflow or division by zero never throws an exception, because floating-point types are based on ieee 754 and so have provisions for representing infinity and nan not a number 浮点算术溢出或被零除从不引发异常,因为浮点类型基于ieee754,因此可以表示无穷和nan(不是数字)。